Monday, 5 October 2015

4. The Sigmarite Forces.

I have started to think about the StormCast's situation.

For the campaign, and indeed for the players, I think it is necessary to limit the forces at the player's disposal.  The warscrolls in the Age of Sigmar source book support what we have in the box and also what I feel would be deployed at this early stage of the war.

The Stormcast forces comprise of highly skilled, surgical strike troops that are small in number but high in resilience.  A forced balance in this manner will be essential.  Plus, I like the idea of Paladin's and these other more specialized troop variants turning up in later chapters in other realms.  Almost as if Sigmar is constantly refining the Stormcast sauce. 

To that end I have planned out the troops available to Noah for each of his generals.

NOTE:  the graphics represent how many models of each including whether they are a Champion, Musician etc.

First up is Vandus Hammerhand's starting forces.

 Vandus's force is interesting in that his Thunderstrike Brotherhood has already sustained casualties from the initial conflict to open the Realmgate back to Azyr.  What sets Vandus apart in terms of model and abilities is the fact that he is riding his Dracoth. 

Ionis is the main bearer of Sigmar's spiritual might.  Second in command from Vandus he plays a crucial role and has a special ability to go with it.  If a Stormcast force is on an adjacent node to Ionis then he may teleport that army to any other known node on the campaign map before that general begins his campaign turn. 

Retricus's primary role is to guard the newly captured Realmgate back to Azyr.  His force is fairly generic in role as it will be required to be adaptable.  

On the battlefield Remus has a highly mobile force of Stormcast.  Initially Deep Striked towards the top end of the map it his job to keep the mountainous region of Aqshy clear from being able to give support to Khul.  It is also worth mentioning that Andrious Stoneheart also comprises of a starting force identical to Remus.  It is his task to cover the land beyond the Obsidian bridge.

Finally we come to Jactos.  Jactos's responsibility is to provide some muscle to guard the Obsidian Bridge.  It is Khul's primary means of crossing the river Magmus and were it to fall the Stormcast would be sorely pressed from all sides.

The intention with these starting forces is that the model count is not luxurious.  It will be quite tough to actually remove models from the campaign.  Even if they are slain in battle they do not truly get beamed back to Azyr unless they roll a 2 or less on a D6, or a 1 for Heroes, at the end of the game.  Over time however,  models will die in dribs and drabs, meaning that a re-jigging of the models between armies may be necessary or a means of gathering reinforcements needs to be found.  Until the Khorne realm gate is closed, reinforcements will not be an issue for Khul's forces.

To support the possibility of moving troops from one army into another, if two Stormcast armies are in adjacent nodes then they may move models between forces before both parties campaign turn begins.  

I am hoping that the Stormcast will be torn in opposite directions keeping to their specific roles and also trying to support each other where the need arises.  

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