Wednesday, 16 October 2013

A change of pace.

Hi there,

Another Pigeon Bomb missive from the gorgeous Jamie.

I have a tournament this weekend.  In fact quite a few of the Stevenage Wargamer massive do.
Bunker Brawl 20th October. 

A small 2000 pt uncomped 1 dayer in Chelmsford.  I have decided to crack open the Empire and it will be my first tournament using them.  As a consequence of this tournament based activity I have had to do a spot of hardcore army painting.  Hellcannons unfortunately have to wait.  :(

I should make the deadline with, what I believe, is a decent standard of painting.  Definitely a cut above your average speedpaint.  I even have some kitbashing and minor conversion work to add a bit of spice.  The army as a whole doesnt really have a theme, it is more about achieving a consistent painting standard and colour scheme.  If I was pressed to say where my inspiration came from for the army then I would have to say a religious Sigmar based force.  Veteran Crusaders if you will.  I believe this is pretty much one of the only obvious concrete themes that can be done with the Empire.  I wish the book had more in the way of non-generic choices to back it up but the units by their very nature do not unfortunately.  Correct me if I am wrong but I just dont see it. 

I am not going to display the whole army on here yet.  For now, here is a Steam Tank, the idea was to go for Liberachian over the top detail.  I apologise for more snow basing but it seems to be my current 'thing'. 

The Steam Tank is particularly interesting as I have attempted to create some Sigmar based gold murals to the sides.  I originally planned to freehand paint these and try and blend into the modelled adornments that come with the kit.  I wasnt too sure how this would gel together so I opted instead to try and raid the bits box and go for something more 3d.

On one side we have the light of Sigmar burning away the Undead.  The other has a large comet/fireball as the central motif.  To achieve both of these it mainly involved slicing in half seperate elements from various sprues.  The skeleton in particular was quite fiddly.  The tiny nicks on the tips of my thumbs will testify.  :(  The paintjob blends it all together. 

If I get my shit together the next post will be a battle report.  Showing off some glimpses of the rest of the army and how it fared in my games.

Till then I best get back to painting.  :/


A sculptor.  Not miniature based but by golly is that some impressive and expressive work.   Fantastic reference as well for Object Sourced Lighting and musculature.  Awesome stuff.  :)

Till next time.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice Jamie - looking forward to you squishing my daemons with it! Wil
