Wednesday, 16 October 2013

A change of pace.

Hi there,

Another Pigeon Bomb missive from the gorgeous Jamie.

I have a tournament this weekend.  In fact quite a few of the Stevenage Wargamer massive do.
Bunker Brawl 20th October. 

A small 2000 pt uncomped 1 dayer in Chelmsford.  I have decided to crack open the Empire and it will be my first tournament using them.  As a consequence of this tournament based activity I have had to do a spot of hardcore army painting.  Hellcannons unfortunately have to wait.  :(

I should make the deadline with, what I believe, is a decent standard of painting.  Definitely a cut above your average speedpaint.  I even have some kitbashing and minor conversion work to add a bit of spice.  The army as a whole doesnt really have a theme, it is more about achieving a consistent painting standard and colour scheme.  If I was pressed to say where my inspiration came from for the army then I would have to say a religious Sigmar based force.  Veteran Crusaders if you will.  I believe this is pretty much one of the only obvious concrete themes that can be done with the Empire.  I wish the book had more in the way of non-generic choices to back it up but the units by their very nature do not unfortunately.  Correct me if I am wrong but I just dont see it. 

I am not going to display the whole army on here yet.  For now, here is a Steam Tank, the idea was to go for Liberachian over the top detail.  I apologise for more snow basing but it seems to be my current 'thing'. 

The Steam Tank is particularly interesting as I have attempted to create some Sigmar based gold murals to the sides.  I originally planned to freehand paint these and try and blend into the modelled adornments that come with the kit.  I wasnt too sure how this would gel together so I opted instead to try and raid the bits box and go for something more 3d.

On one side we have the light of Sigmar burning away the Undead.  The other has a large comet/fireball as the central motif.  To achieve both of these it mainly involved slicing in half seperate elements from various sprues.  The skeleton in particular was quite fiddly.  The tiny nicks on the tips of my thumbs will testify.  :(  The paintjob blends it all together. 

If I get my shit together the next post will be a battle report.  Showing off some glimpses of the rest of the army and how it fared in my games.

Till then I best get back to painting.  :/


A sculptor.  Not miniature based but by golly is that some impressive and expressive work.   Fantastic reference as well for Object Sourced Lighting and musculature.  Awesome stuff.  :)

Till next time.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Daemons vs Lizardmen Battle Report

Greetings all!

Will Longbottom here.

After 9+ months of painting, this was my eagerly awaited first game with my daemon army. Much of my thoughts on the army, list etc are contained in my blog at the Daemonic Legion, so check that out if you're interested in more.

The list was chosen with a few things in mind. I wanted to paint up a fairly large chunk of core models, so I would have them done for future games and a solid base to work with. I also wanted a mixture of units that I liked the look of, not fussed how good they are on the tabletop. It's also part of the Bad Dice Hobby Challenge, which needs to be completed by the end of November.

So, here is my first game, Steve kindly stepped in to play me after Jamie contracted the plague. Let's start with the lists (as far as I could tell):

Whisperflense's Daemonic Coven

KOS: Whisperflense (Keeper of Secrets)
Lvl 4, Greater (+2 attacks), Lesser (2+ ward), Lesser (ASF sword), Lore of Slaanesh
Acquiescence, Pavane of Slaanesh, Slicing Shards, Cacophonic Choir

HoT: Herald of Tzeentch
Lvl 2, Lore of Metal
Searing Doom, Plague of Rust

HoN: Herald of Nurgle
BSB, Greater Locus of Fecundity, Lesser (2+ ward)

P: 30 Plaguebearers: FC, Banner of Swiftness
D: 18 Daemonettes: FC
H: 10 Horrors
Blue Fire

BoN: Beast of Nurgle
BoN: Beast of Nurgle
BoN: Beast of Nurgle
SC: Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh
S1: 3 Screamers of Tzeentch

S2: Soulgrinder: Mark of Nurgle, Phlegm Bombardment


SMP: Slann Mage Priest: Becalming Cogitations, BSB, Lore of Beasts
Curse of Anraheir, Wyssan’s Wildform, Amber Spear, Savage Beast of Horrors

SP1: Skink Priest: Lvl 2, Lore of Beasts
Flock of Doom, Transformation of Kadon

SP2: Skink Priest: Lvl 1, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts

SV1: Scar Veteran: Enchanted Shield, Light Armour, Sword of Striking
SV2: Scar Veteran: Light Armour, Great Wpn

SW1: 24 Saurus: FC
SW2: 24 Saurus: FC
SS: 10 Skink Skirmishers
SC: 21 Skink Cohort: Musician
CS: 5 Chameleon Skinks
JS: 2 Jungle Swarms
S: Stegadon
T: 3 Terradons
SHP: 2 Salamanders
AS: Ancient Stegadon

I won roll for sides, Steve won roll for first turn.

Terradons vanguarded forwards, but not far enough to be able to drop rocks on Seeker Chariot if they got first turn.


Turn 1 Lizards

General advance, but not too far forwards for the lizards. Ancient on to hill, salamanders and skirmishers on left, chameleons central and swarms/terradons right.

Magic: Flock of doom is let through, kills a single daemonette. Boosted amber spear on the Soulgrinder fails to cast.

Shooting: Stegadon shoots Seeker Chariot, but I make a ward save!

Combat: None

Turn 1 Daemons

Beast charges chameleons, who flee clear through the Ancient. Second beast charges swarm but fails the charge.

Seeker chariot charges the terradons, needing an 11, and makes it in   . Stand and shoot causes a single wound.

Screamers fly to flank of salamanders. Daemonettes, plaguebearers, keeper and remaining beast move up. Horrors enter building.

Magic: 5 + 1. Papa Nurgle spits on the salamanders, killing a crewman and causing two wounds to one of the beasts. He then gobs on the jungle swarms, killing one base!

Shooting: Soulgrinder misses the left-hand saurus.

Combat: Impact hits and attacks from daemonettes and seekers causes five wounds for no reply. Terradons break, but flee clear.

Turn 2 Lizards

Terradons fail to rally and run off board edge.

No charges. Stegadon pivot to face Seeker chariot flank, remaining swarm moves up behind it.

Salamanders pivot and back up to shoot screamers. Skink skirmishers advance to shoot soulgrinder. Priest leaves unit and joins the rallied chameleons. Nothing else moves.

Magic: Boosted amber spear at the soulgrinder is dispelled. Transformation goes off with irresistible force on the skink priest behind the ancient stegadon, and he becomes a mountain chimaera.

Miscast is an 8, wounding both the Slann and now mountain chimaera.

Shooting: Skirmishers miss soulgrinder. Stegadon misses Seeker chariot. Salamanders kill 1 screamer.

Turn 2 Daemons

Daemonettes charge skink skirmishers, who flee, and redirect into the salamanders. Screamers fly behind them if they flee.

Beast on right fails charge against the swarm. Central beast tries to charge the ancient, but fails.

Seeker chariot pivots and moves away from the stegadon. Soulgrinder and plaguebearers back off the mountain chimaera, Keeper moves up for some fun.

Magic: 5+1 again. Papa Nurgle kills the swarm. No magic goes off, he dispels an acquiescence attempt, and searing doom and cacophonic choir.

Shooting: Soulgrinder scatters wide again.

Combat: Daemonettes cause four wounds, lose 2 but salamanders break and flee clear through the screamers, failing a dangerous terrain test and dying.

Turn 3 Lizards

Stegadon charges rear of Seeker chariot. Mountain chimera charges the plaguebearers.

Ancient pivots and moves towards the daemonettes. Skink skirmishers rally, chameleon skinks move round right-hand saurus block to prevent beast getting in.

Skink cohort with Slann swift reforms to face screamers/daemonettes.

Magic: Curse of Anraheir is let through on the plaguebearers. Skink skirmishers are wildformed. Amber spear is let through at daemonettes, kills one.

I use all my dice to dispel Transformation of Kadon.

Shooting: Skinks leave 1 screamer with 1 wound.

Combat: Stegadon kills chariot with impact hits. Skink priest is killed by the Herald of Nurgle in a challenge.

Turn 3 Daemons

Right-hand beast charges chameleons, who flee and I fail to redirect. Next beast charges right-hand saurus, makes it, third fails, Keeper fails.

Screamer flies over wildformed skinks, and kills one with a slash to the face. Daemonettes face up to the ancient. Plaguebearers move up to charge the left-hand saurus.

Magic: 7, nothing happens. Acquiescence is dispelled, blue fire gets through but gets 2 s6 hits and kills one chameleon – no horror raised though. Cacophonic on the ancient scrolled.

Shooting: Soulgrinder misses again.

Combat: Beast challenges, causes a single wound, but pops due to a roll of 11 for the break test.

Turn 4 Lizards

Ancient charges the daemonettes. Stegadon charges right-hand beast.

Skink skirmishers and cohort move to pepper the screamer. Chameleons rally.

Magic: Curse is let through against the Keeper. Amber spear is dispelled.

Shooting: Screamer dies.

Combat: Stegadon whiffs, I cause a wound. Draw.

Ancient smashes the daemonettes and skinks cause several wounds. I fade back to the warp.

Turn 4 Daemons

Plaguebearers charge left-hand saurus. Keeper and beast charge right-hand saurus.

Magic: 8, Slaanesh time! Played it lizard units roll 4 dice, didn’t matter as he rolled three 1s on skirmishers.

Acquiescence is let off on right-hand saurus. Plague of rust on stegadon. Cacophonic dispelled on ancient.

Shooting: Soulgrinder misfires.

Combat: Beast challenges, scar veteran accepts. I cause a wound, so does he. Keeper kills 4, but takes 2 wounds. Thunder stomp wins the combat, but saurus steadfast and not going anywhere.

Plaguebearers roll poorly, although herald challenges and wounds scar veteran. I lose by 3, but pass break test with a 5.

I wound stegadon, he can’t wound me, he passes break test.

Turn 5 Lizards

Ancient charges plaguebearers. Rest move about a bit.

Magic: Low-ish roll. Curse on plaguebearers goes off, can’t dispel on 5 dice.

Shooting: None

Combat: Ancient causes 7 impact hits, killing 4 plaguebearers. Herald kills scar veteran, and plaguebearers kill a few more, but he passes 5 parry tests. I lose by 3 again, and again roll a 5 on the break test.

Beast causes 2 wounds to the stegadon, it fails stubborn check, and is caught as it runs. Beast overruns into right-hand saurus flank.

Challenge Beast kills scar veteran, keeper kills another 3 or 4, flank beast kills 1, thunder stomp kills more but they are still steadfast and hold with Slann nearby.

Turn 5 Daemons

Herald of Tzeentch moves out of building to target ancient. Soulgrinder advances to shoot the Slann unit.

Magic: Khorne makes an appearance, but I roll no 6s. Acquiescence goes off again on the right-hand saurus. Plague of rust on same unit. Cacophonic on the ancient is dispelled.

Shooting: Soulgrinder misses the Slann unit.

Combat: Keeper and two beasts leave 5 saurus alive. They pass break test with a rerolled double 1.

Plaguebearers kill more, but lose more to ancient, and pass break test.

We ran out of time, so game over!

Was an intriguing game. I was pretty rusty, and think I was too hesitant with the Keeper – he needed to get stuck in early, preferably against that poxy Ancient!

Some of my units did well, some not so much, but I’ll be sticking with the list for a while (as I have nothing else painted!).

Saurus armour saves and parries were a real bane for me, and my plaguebearer regen rolls were terrible!

Beasts did very well for me though, but I found it hard to contain the Slann with his reroll on first failed dispel and I was having to let things like Curse of Anraheir get through which made me struggle.

Result was:
Daemons – 737
Lizards – 543

Small win for the daemons! Thanks for reading.