Monday, 2 September 2013

Hell's Cannon (WIP)

Hi there!  Its Jamie again.  Time for another Throgg Monster Mash update. 

Whilst the Hellcannon model isn’t necessarily a bad one from GW’s history it never really screamed ‘caged Demon’ at me.  It seemed like they always had it the wrong way around.  Instead of a Demon shoehorned into a cannon it should have been more like a cannon shoehorned into a…. Unbelievably I may have found a use for a Vortex Beast…

True story.  I had no idea that sawing the end off the Hellcannon model was going to fit perfectly inside the space where the face should be on a Slaughterbrute.  In fact I had assembled the entire body and stuck it to the base before I ever held them up against each other to see.  Those being kind would possibly say that being a relatively experienced converter of miniatures my trained eye did the work for me.  Those unkind would just call it a fluke.  The unkind ones would be right and I am not entirely sure why I let that happen.  Onwards and upwards....

The base is interesting as it gives me a chance to reveal what I am planning across the army.  A Chaos riddled rampaged Empire settlement.  The eagle eyed amongst you may notice that the ground has been ripped open. Tzeentch Horror arms grasp at the passing Hellcannon like zombies rising from the grave.  The Hellcannon itself grasps a broken statue, also tainted by raw chaos.  The ripped open ground was made from two resin chariot bases from MicroArt Studio’s Chaos range.  Chopped up with Milliput worked around it to fill the gaps and to flesh out the rest of the ground.   Additional elements came from the Games Workshop graveyard terrain set.
All in all I am very happy with how this turned out.  It’s big enough and impressive enough to warrant the statline and will be a nice centrepiece for the army. 


I love 8 bit graphics.  The vibrancy, simplicity and ingenuity of creating recognisable art from a limited palette and pixel count impresses me.  If you agree then you will probably love this.

There is lots to see and do here so browse around and soak up the atmosphere.  Click the sides of the screen to view the next page. 

Till next time.  Enjoy.

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